About this Site
Here are a few images of ferns observed in Cornwall. All the pictures were taken in December, 2000.
Cornwall is situated at the extreme south-westerly point of mainland England. U.K
The County is surrounded by sea. All the ferns included here were found within 2 miles of the coast.
I hope you enjoy the images!
The Images
I use a Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera. This has good close-up facilities and also a swivel body which enables shots very close to the ground.
One problem is that there is no manual focus control when taking close-up shots, so you have to rely on the auto focus which is sometimes poor.
The original shots were taken at 1600*1200, and later reduced for web use. Both originals and web images are in JPEG format. If anyone would like an image in the original size, limited to non commercial use, please e-mail me.